Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Staff Retreat

We are finally home and starting to get back into our routine. We spent the weekend at a soccer school complex about an hour outside of Vienna. All of the faculty and staff of VCS went for a time of seminars and just some good quality time together. The theme for the weekend was "Stick It" which was off of what the speaker was speaking on which was staying on the field long term. The best part of the weekend was getting a set of Post-It notes to use as encouragements throughout the weekend. We stuck notes on people’s doors, windows, Bibles, chairs, faces, anywhere and everywhere. It was so great to come back from a seminar and find a new sticky note on your door telling you that you are a treasure from heaven. I mean where else do you hear things like that. All in all it was truly a great weekend to deepen our relationships with the staff and for God to show us once again we are here because this is the exact place He wants us for this time. Now though we are back in the grind of teaching and working daily but the sticky notes live on and I am still getting them! We really have an amazing group of people over here that love the Lord and love these kids; I learn something new from them daily on how to live for the Lord. Thanks to all those who prayed for us while we were at retreat, everything went great! Love you all!!!!!

Some of the Sticky-Notes on our door!

We love our Sticky-Notes :)

Meal Time...also known as feeding time at the zoo :)

Our fearless director during the talent show being a Beatle!

Talent Show!!! :)

Worship times all weekend!
Worship Team